3 June 2019 - Air Base waiters

today, together with my fellow volunteers of Association Friends of Volandia, I had the chance to visit this small museum is located inside the airport of Cameri and you can see only with the consent of the Airport Command.
Are present, outdoors, virtually every major aircraft that have been part of the Air Force in the 2nd World War. It starts from the beautiful brindle Starfighter Tiger Meet the 1988, positioned on a pylon and proceed in the midst of G 91, T 33, RF 84F, F 86K, MB 326, AMX and Tornado, without forgetting the smaller SF 260, T 6, P 166 AB 47 all versions. A big Grumman HU is also present 16 Albatross.
The planes are all outdoors, aligned on a forecourt, some, unfortunately, a little tested by atmospheric agents and the scorching sun. In general, however their conditions are good enough and the colors of camouflage still quite alive and recognizable.

Besides the planes are 2 buildings in which you can find some really interesting things: in a lie airplane parts, divided, Holdings flight, instrument panels and cockpit parts of various aircraft, switchboards of old airport facilities and, In the second, simulacra of various devices that can arm the Air Force aircraft. Among the latter I found particularly interesting one Motobomba F.F.F., various types of guided bombs and a simulacrum of special weapon.

Overall a very interesting visit, especially for objects in 2 manufactured. If you have opportunity not miss it

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