UPDATE 03/02/2024
New year and new calendars of the Swiss Air Force airports.
Waiting to see (in 2027) the F 35 Swiss, we can console ourselves with the Hornets and the latest Fs 5, going to see them according to the following calendars:
airport EMMEN (Spotting Guide)
airport MEIRINGEN (Spotting Guide)
airports of Payerne (Spotting Guide) and SION (Spotting Guide)
airport LOCARNO
Let's take the following points into account:
- This year the air show that is held every year should have taken place 10 years in Switzerland. Unfortunately, For economic reasons the planned airshow will not be held (see which). The Axalp event, which is NOT held in the tenth anniversary years, it is not even foreseen in 2025. We'll see.
By clicking on the program thumbnail you can download the PDF in usable size. For those few who still don't know the Swiss aeronautical paradise, by clicking on the location you will be projected onto Maps directly to the chosen airport e, finally, I indicated (where present) also the link to the Spotting Guide of Spotterguide.net, one of the most complete sites in the world on this particular topic. Follow the directions and you will have a lot of fun: In Switzerland there is a lot of freedom regarding photography at military airports. Don't go outside the rules: if there is a no-passing sign, don't pass. If there is a sign prohibiting photography, do not photograph. If you get caught (and they will catch you with a very good chance) you'll have a bad time and all the fun will be over in a flash. Man forewarned….