15 November 2024 – Frosinone Air Base

Friday 15 Novembre presso il 72° Stormo of Frosinone, took place there “Elephant Walk”, un’exercise conducted with 12 TH-500B helicopters, i quali hanno “rullato” contemporaneamente in pista con successivo decollo, overflight and landing in sequence with 4 formations from 3 helicopters.

The Elephant Walk is the name in use to indicate a ground maneuver carried out by a formation of aircraft that all concentrate and move together.

The objective of the exercise was to increase operational capabilities of the pilots of the Wing with the massive use of aircraft demonstrating one high efficiency of line.

The aircraft used is the TH500-B in service at Girolamo Moscardini Airport for almost 35 years with more than 200.000 flight hours, which continues to be the reference aircraft for the basic training of all Air Force helicopter pilots, of the Armed Forces and State Bodies.

L’Elephant Walk it is an activity within the 1° raduno “Samba”. Il “Samba” è il radio call sign which is assigned from beyond 60 anni ai piloti dell’Aeronautica Militare in servizio presso il 72° Stormo con compiti di flight instructors.  

Il Comandante del 72° Stormo, Colonel Alessandro Fiorini in the opening speech he thanked all the attendees present, many of them former Wing Commanders, that over the years thanks to their work have shaped Moscardini Airport and its capacity.

The 72° Stormo of Frosinone, it depends on Comando delle Scuole dell’Aeronautica Militare/3ª Regione Aerea, only school in the rotary wing sector in Italy, it is the Department that trains i helicopter pilots Air Force, the other Armed Forces and State Armed Corps, and foreign visitors. Interforce and interagency synergy, developed in the field of training at the Frosinone Helicopter School, it is part of the perspective of continuous improvement of training and contextual optimization of resources.

Per ulteriori notizie e fotografie potete andare a leggere gli articoli realizzati in occasione della visita al 72° Stormo (you can find them which and which)

Testo – Aeronautica Militare – Ufficio Pubblica Informazione e Comunicazione del 72° Stormo – Primo Graduato Francesco MINOTTI
Foto – Irene Pantaleoni per AviaSpotter.it e Aeronautica Militare