Military and civil flight operators in the Pontine territory, together for the prevention and culture of flight safety
Latina Airport, 23 November 2023
On Thursday morning 23 November at the “Enrico Comani” military airport in Latina, a day dedicated to Flight Safety was held, which saw participation, not only of Air Force personnel, but also of representatives of Avio Superfici and Aeroclub who insist on the Pontine territory. Purpose of the meeting, which is repeated annually under the name of “Mid Air Collision Avoidance Day”, MACA plan, is to encourage sharing of local flight procedures among all users who affect the airspace of the Latina CTR, all aimed at minimizing any traffic conflicts. During 2023, several meetings were held at the various nearby Avio Superfici and Aeroclubs and the meeting at the 70th Wing closes, for this year, the work carried out by the Institution's staff regarding Flight Safety.
The constant increase in the volume of air traffic, indeed, also in consideration of the notable diffusion of recreational or sports flying in the civil field (VDS), makes the potential for in-flight collisions increasingly relevant, with the consequent need to undertake every possible action suitable for prevention purposes. In light of these factors, themeeting, after the welcome greeting from the Commander of the 70th Wing, Colonel Piota Giuseppe BELLOMO, gave space to interventions by qualified Flight Safety Wing personnel (SV) andAir Traffic Management (ATM), aimed at highlighting the peculiarities of the Pontine airspace and providing an analysis of the traffic conflicts recorded locally over the last few years.
The 70th Wing, based at the “Enrico Comani” Military Airport in Latina, is placed under the command of the Schools of the Air Force and 3rd Air Region based in Bari and for over sixty years it has carried out the institutional tasks of selecting and training future military pilots of the Air Force, of the other Armed Forces and Armed Corps of the State and cadets of other Nations.
Source, text and images: Magg. Marco MOLLI – Head of the Public Information Section of the 70th Wing