12 June 2023

The aviation event of the will be held in Pratica di Mare next weekend 2023: the grandiose Centenary Air Show.
In this short article I want to give some advice for those who are at the "first time". And it is said that even the experts will find some useful advice.
Remember: the injury is "the unexpected on the unprepared". Just prepare a little to break the chain and avoid injury.

Binoculars, cameras, cameras, and any device adapted to record images. Mobile phones, unfortunately, They are not ideal: the quality of the sub-sector of the video terminals modern cell has, in some cases, achieved remarkable performance, but unfortunately the objective is almost always wide angle (away the subject and incorporates a larger portion of the landscape) and this does not make him the ideal subject to shoot subjects that, normally, they fly high and far. In the extreme it can be used to resume the evolution of large formations or the cars on static display. Take a thought in folding chairs and blankets / towels to lie down


  • What to Wear?

The clothes must be adapted to the temperature of the day. Find out the expected weather conditions and get a idea of ​​what will be hot or cold the day. Wear clothes and shoes. Do not forget hat and sunglasses or waterproof (those ponchos are perfect) and umbrella. Guests earmuffs and / or earplugs, especially for the little ones: damage to the ear canal are permanent!!! Take a thought, for summer days, even sunscreen with a high protection and lotions against the sting of insects.


  • What to eat / drink?

In hot weather it is best to reduce the intake of fat and simple carbohydrates to take more rapid digestibility. It 'important to increase fluid intake, preferring those NOT gassed and increasing the intake of fruit and / or vegetables. Do not make heroes remaining hours in the sun to see the most beautiful developments: an air show must give happiness and sunshine leading to fainting you will not give much!


  • What to do

Strictly followed the instructions of the authorities both in the parking areas of vehicles, both as regards the roads to be traveled on foot or areas occupy from. Please refer to the people in uniform in case of need or emergency: They are trained to provide assistance and, anyhow, if they could not do anything for yourself, know how to get specialist help in a short time. In any Air Show there is always a powerful "rescue machine" prepared for any emergency.


If you are in a group, all’ingresso, take a point of reference and report it in you to be able to find in case of need. Often, when the concentration of mobile phones is much higher than normal, that cellular networks go into saturation and it is very difficult to line. With this trick will be easier find yourself at the end of the event and reconstitute the group.


If you have small children with you always keep them close. People are so much, the spaces are large and losing an eye is a matter of an instant. Consider the idea of ​​appender their neck or clothes a note with your cell phone number to call if you lose. You can also write the name and cell phone number, with a pen, on one arm and cover the writing with a brush stroke of liquid bandage: the message will be virtually indelible until you wash away the patch.


Pick up the trash you produce and conferitela in one of the many points that are always prepared. Keep in mind that a simple plastic bag steering wheel or a can could become very dangerous if ingested by the air intakes of the reactors. Also they could be thrown a long distance and high speed if they were hit by the jet aircraft engines, with unpredictable consequences.


Do not bring dogs or other animals: noise could scare a lot and such an experience would not be nice for them.

It, finally, ENJOY YOURSELVES. An event like this…..happens every hundred years!!!!