During the day of presentation to the press and the public of the F 35A Lightning II at the Payerne base (the service you find it which), as already happened during the presentation of the F 18E Super Hornet (the services you find them which and which), the F 18 already in service in the Swiss Air Force, they continued to fly as if nothing had happened. Rather, in this particular case, being the F 35A only single-seaters and not allowing the Swiss drivers to test their performances "live", they were flown, Insert Lightning II, at least others 4 Hornet. Therefore the day was particularly full of movements.
You can find below a video with the movements, including those of the F 35, obtained from a small camera mounted on the camera flash sled that shot the scenes while I was busy taking pictures (the sound of photo bursts is clearly heard in the background). The quality is not excellent but the movement of the aircraft and, above all, their noise compensates abundantly.

Text: AviaSpotter.it
Photo:   AviaSpotter.it

Le foto, instead, you find them below