10 February 2020 – Frosinone

Part of the operational phase of the agreement signed last 29 November between the Schools Command AOS / 3rd Air Region Command and the Army Aviation (BIRDS)


They landed today at the "Girolamo Moscardini" military airport in Frosinone ifirst two helicopters RH-206C dell'AVES with which the instructor pilots of theAir force, responsible ofrelease of Patent Military Helicopter Pilot, and instructors of dell'AVES specialties will work together to train eleven new riders Army.

The completion ofredeployment It will take place in March, when the Army component at the 72nd Stormo will be composed of arate of twelve militarytechnicians, specialists and instructors of specialty and four helicopters.

The synergy between the two armed forces willoptimize capacities and the timing necessary for the achievement of the patent of Military Helicopter Pilot (BMPE) in favor of AVES attendees who have already completed the preparatory theoretical lessons for theflying training helicopters at the School of Frosinone.

The72° Stormo, only school in the rotary wing sector in Italy, It is dependent on the DepartmentSchools Command Air Force / 3rd Region of Bari Aerea, which trains helicopter pilots of the Force d'Azur, the other Armed Forces and State Armed Corps, and foreign visitors. The collaborative synergy developed in the area of ​​training atFrosinone helicopters School, fits between the guidelines of Defense for a continuous improvement of training and a simultaneous optimization of resources.


Photo, video and text: Military Air Force - 72nd Stormo
Author: Magg. Giovanni Santoro